Career change - what's preventing you from making a move?
The newsletter that starts with a question
Welcome to the fourth issue of About The Adventure newsletter, and to new subscribers! Last week I was testing out my podcasting equipment with a few recordings in different locations around my home and the local hills, so I’m almost ready to start recording again. I also put together a new interview on my blog and prepared my next one, which I’m really looking forward to share with you.
Let’s continue with our career coaching questions - how are you getting on with these? In previous issues I asked:
“What’s critical to resolve right now?”
“What impact is this having on your life?”
“What do you know you’ve been doing that’s prevented you from resolving this?
To follow on from these, my next question for you is:
What’s this cost you in the past?
If you’re getting any blocks or finding it challenging to write more than a sentence, can you take your thoughts and your notebook to a different environment? I think it’s really important to create a new space to think and write.
As I’ve said in previous issues, you’re very welcome to share your responses with me. My email address is if you want to send me a photo of your notebook, your written thoughts, or any questions that you have. If you’re thinking about a career change, I’m curious to know what’s preventing you from making a move?
To receive another question in my next newsletter, please subscribe.

“Sometimes things change and you take a different path”
Episode three of About The Adventure podcast is an interview with Nutritionist in training, Rachel Fletcher, who is in the early stages of changing her career after 19 years of working for Derbyshire Police. I first met Rachel through a volunteer mentoring scheme provided by Sheffield Hallam University and since our sessions finished we've stayed in touch for coffees, lunches and walks. Rachel's story captured my attention straight away because she's made such a big change from her career working in the police and she's courageous to try new things - such as recording this podcast episode!
I ask Rachel a heap of questions in this podcast, she really keeps me on my toes! My questions include:
How has your outlook on life changed since you started your degree?
Do you feel now that you’re not working full time that you have more balance in your life?
How did your friends and family react to your change of career?
What fears, worries or challenges have you faced along your path so far?
I think that this episode will be of particular interest to people who are concerned about starting a completely new career path after following the same one for a long time, to anyone interested in nutrition, health and lifestyle, and to people thinking about returning to study. You can see what else I asked Rachel over on my blog, where you can also find the links to tune in, or you can press play here right away!
Interview feature
Last week I published a new interview with Rachel Peru who began a new career as a model aged 46 and since then has been flying the flag for misunderstood and misrepresented women everywhere, particularly those in midlife, showing that they are not invisible in the fashion industry. Her message is reinforced through her own podcast “Out of the Bubble” where you get to hear from women who are breaking down midlife stereotypical barriers and proving it’s never too late to find new passion and purpose.
Our paths first crossed in The Enterprise Collective facebook group when I introduced myself and Rachel replied to invite me for an interview on her show. Here I took the opportunity to turn things around and put Rachel in the career change spotlight because as well as sharing other people's stories, she has some fascinating ones of her own!
“I turned 50 this year and I’m not going to start changing myself to fit in with brands to get work, if I’m the right fit that’s great, if not I have to trust there will be others where I will be.”
My questions include: What contributed towards your decision to take a different course in your career? How did you move beyond any worries, fears or challenges? What goes on behind the scenes of your career in modelling? And more!
In this interview Rachel reveals that she is writing a book and asks you a question about career change, so make sure you read until the end. You’ll also find links to her podcast, our recorded interview, and all of the places that you can follow her work.
Opportunities to get involved with this newsletter
Through this platform I want to offer opportunities for open discussions about career change, for meeting new people, for telling your stories on my blog and podcast, and for sharing your ideas about how this can be a useful and valuable tool towards change.
Here are a few ways to get involved:
Make suggestions for future discussion topics.
Ask my next blog interview guest a question - graphic designer Charlotte Holroyd.
Put yourself forward, or someone you know, to be interviewed on my blog or podcast if you have a career change story that you’d like to share.
Have a virtual brew with me - share your thoughts, ideas, worries, frustrations, or just have someone to talk to who will listen.
Coaching walk of the week
Far-reaching views from Ringing Roger and a fair few sprigs of purple heather still holding on last week. The weathered rock formations up here are really amazing, taking all sorts of shapes and sizes. It doesn’t take long to get up here from Edale and I think the best time is during the late afternoon to get a nice spot to watch the sun go down. I always take some layers as it can be quite exposed to the wind.

As a coaching session on foot, this spot can be worked into a variety of routes. One of my favourites is a hike that takes in Druid’s Stone, Madwoman’s Stones, and Edale Moor trig point. It’s all about the rocks! I love this route because I usually see lots of skylarks and hares, so it feels quite wild even though it’s between Edale village and the Snake Pass. I also really enjoy sitting on the rocks at Madwoman’s Stones for a flask of tea and sandwiches, surrounded by the vastness of the moorland.
To give plenty of time for coaching questions, looking at the rocks, enjoying some quiet time surrounded by nature, and watching the sun go down, I think that this works really well as a 4-hour session. I usually charge £90 for a session like this, with other pricing options available if this is too expensive for your budget. It can also be adjusted to a shorter or longer session, with plenty of options for flexibility on the day as well.
If you have any questions to ask me about my coaching work, or if you are interested in booking in a session together, please email and I’ll get back to you as quick as I can. Please note that online sessions are also available.
About The Adventure Newsletter
Here’s how you can support my newsletter:
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Share with other people who are thinking or talking about career change.
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Buy me a coffee, and even better - invite me for a virtual brew!
Let me know what’s happening for you right now - is there anything that I can help you with?
Thank you so much for reading my newsletter. Next week I am going to spend some time with my family so I will be taking a short break and resuming from the 5th of October. Please stay in touch by email in the meantime if you’d like to.