How can you lift your confidence through adventure?
The newsletter that starts with a question!
A recent trip to the Northwest Highlands in Scotland inspired me to regain and improve my confidence with scrambling up mountains. I put my decision into practice right away, beginning with some easy local routes and gradually building this up to try out some more challenging ones with friends.
I also recently agreed to attempt a challenging running route called the Kinder Killer with a new friend. The distance, elevation and terrain were all much harder than I’d tried completing in one day before. But we did it!
I’m noticing that these new experiences are lifting my confidence in other areas of my life too, such as public speaking. When I see that I can push myself adventurously, this helps me to trust that I can push myself to do other things that I often shy away from.
My question for you this time is:
How can you lift your confidence through adventure?
Answers on a postcard please! Email
Can slowing down enable us to get to where we ultimately want to go more efficiently?
On About The Adventure Podcast:
‘Slow Coach’ Andy Mort shares his unique approach to coaching and creating community in this enlightening interview. He tells us that he became a coach accidentally after people had directly approached him about it, prompting him to take up training and blend this with his work as a sound artist.
Before taking up coaching, Andy was an Undertaker. As you can imagine, this provides a unique career change story. He shares compelling insights into his experience and how this influenced his perspective on life.
Listen on my website, click the player below, or tune in to About The Adventure on your favourite podcast app.
Will you join me on this new adventure?
Here’s an extract from my latest blog post about finding the courage to work through my fear of public speaking.
On occasions when I did decide to speak up about things that were important to me or felt unjust, it took all of my strength to do so. It felt like an enormous push. These instances were often met with dismissal. It seemed like no one really listened or cared, which made me want to hide away again and even more terrified of speaking. My confidence was being chipped away and sometimes I couldn’t face leaving my home.
My coaching availability in May
If you’d like to book a walking session with me during May, I currently have these dates available in my calendar:
Monday 13th May
Friday 24th May
Wednesday 29th May
Thursday 30th May
Email to book a session or request to have a chat first. There are more dates available in June. I also offer remote sessions. Weekends are possible if requested.
Postcard from the Peak District
While out one early morning I was reflecting on how running has guided many of my decisions. It has become a commitment for me - one that I choose and which brings me a strong sense of direction in my life.
I used to feel so lost in my career and I worried that I’d never be able to find my way. It mattered to me yet I didn’t know where to look for my answers.
It was running that guided me towards where I’m living here in the Peak District. This landscape motivates me to experience sunrises and sunsets. It inspires me to pursue a career that gives me freedom to be spontaneous. And running has led me towards making healthier choices with my diet because I love feeling good when I’m outside. It helped me to commit to stop drinking alcohol which has made a massive difference to my life.
Thank you for reading my newsletter! You can email me here if you’d like to reply: I’d love to hear from you! I’ll be back soon with a new podcast episode featuring an Abstract Artist in Sheffield who used to be a Doctor, plus a spring time postcard.
Confidence through adventure. It's about extending horizons "a little" - outside your comfort zone. As we adventure we step outside "our normal" (whatever that is...) and go beyond what we usually do. Whether successful or not we have shown to ourselves we are willing to try more. The act of doing more, even just a tad more, builds confidence, "plus et en vu" - you have more in you....
Happy adventuring 😊