No forms, applications, cv’s or advice here! This newsletter starts with a coaching question for you to take away and think, talk or write about. These are open questions for you to explore and to come back to as often as you like. My questions are around the subject of career change, but not exclusively. You can use them as you like, to explore whatever comes up.
What’s critical to resolve right now?
This question aims to get to the core of the issue. If you’d like to share your thoughts or scribblings with me then you are very welcome to email me:, I will not send you any feedback or advice but I can send you another question if you would like me to.
I will leave this one here now and ask you another question in the next issue.
What's your impression of coaching?
Does it make you cringe? That was the top response on my Twitter poll last week. And I often get that feeling too when I see coaching adverts and content. I want to work towards changing the reputation and accessibility of coaching because in my experience it can be a very useful, life-changing tool. So, I turn to you to ask - what’s your impression of coaching? Does it seem cheesey, salesy, pricey, or something else? Is there anything about coaching that appeals to you, or puts you off? Please join the discussion to help me shape future content.

Why a podcast?
My podcast is about the adventure of career change - interviewing people who have turned things around and started something completely new. These are people who I know, who I have had the privilege to spend time with, who have shared their stories with me - and now you.
There are so many podcasts already out there! In this blog post, find out why I've started my own show, how I aim to stand out from the crowd, what themes guide my questions, who has helped me to make it happen, and where you can listen! There are four episodes available so far which will all get featured here in the newsletter, plus news on my next guests and your chance to put forward your questions. Have you tuned into my podcast already? I’d love to hear what you think!
Interview feature
Alongside my podcast I also interview people on my blog. I ask questions about why they started their creative work, how they take time out, where they spend time for inspiration, what challenges have come up, and when they made decision for a change in their lives. My questions are different each time and cover a range of subjects, aiming to showcase the unique ways that people approach a change in direction.
In my latest interview I sent over some questions to Hannah Cox, a fellow Peak District dweller who I first heard about through her 'Road To Happiness' expedition. In 2017, Hannah backpacked overland through 18 countries on an adventure from England to Bhutan to discover and document what makes people happy. Now she has her own business that brings like-minded people and businesses together, grounded in an ethical and sustainable approach to making positive changes in the world.
“I learnt in my teens, that if I wanted to change something in my life, no one else was going to do it for me.”
In this interview I asked Hannah about why she started betternotstop and how she responds when faced with new challenges. There are a few links at the bottom of the interview where you can listen to Hannah on the Tough Girl Podcast and check out her blog packed with amazing content and tips.
Begin your new approach to career change
If you want to move towards a new career grounded in your values, led by your creative ideas, and surrounded by supportive people, then please subscribe to my newsletter.
Receive a coaching question straight to your inbox each week plus my podcast and blog content on the subject of career change.
Become part of a new community that focuses on creativity and adventure as an approach towards career change.
Take part in my newsletter by joining discussions, putting yourself forward as a podcast guest, or asking me for a virtual brew.
Coaching walk of the week
I hold my coaching sessions in Edale, a beautiful village in the Peak District National Park and part of the Hope Valley. They can either be online or we can meet up for a walk from the village. I have discovered many walks and locations since moving here in 2018, so there are loads of different options for places to walk while we talk. This is one of my new favourites because the views of the Great Ridge on the way here are fantastic and we can sit in this beautiful secluded spot on a sunny day.

It’s quite a short walk from the village to this pool, but it feels remote because it’s tucked away between the hills. We could both bring flasks of our favourite hot drinks and spend some time here for part of our coaching session. I like to include a mix of both walking and sitting (and yes to those of you thinking you’d enjoy a swim here), especially in good weather. I think that sitting can bring focus to thoughts, while movement can bring flow of ideas and create energy behind them.
I would recommend this as a half-day coaching session so that we can continue our walk up to the top of Hollins Cross for a fantastic view of Castleton, then up to Mam Tor. It works really well to reach a high peak because it can help to mark a point of decision, a turning point in your thinking. And from here we can make our way back into the village.
A half-day like this is £65 at full price but it’s really important to me that my coaching sessions are accessible so I offer flexible pricing according to how much you think is affordable for you. I don’t want the cost to become a barrier to us working together so if this type of coaching session appeals to you please do get in touch and we can work out a way to make it happen.
If you have any questions to ask me about my coaching work, or if you are interested in booking in a session together, please email and I’ll get back to you as quick as I get home from my latest hilltop adventure.
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